What a wonderful time we had at the Winter Luncheon, the pictures above show
all the love and work that went into this lovely day. A big Thank You to all who helped
make is such a great success....Hope to see you all there next season.
Just a sample of some of the beautiful works of art in the auction.
December 9, 2006
at the
Lexington Country Club
16257 Willowcrest Way
Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Cost of luncheon is $20 per person
It’s time to start thinking Christmas and Hanukkah again! What better way to celebrate the season then lunch and shopping
with friends. Our winter luncheon gives us the opportunity to do both in a beautiful setting with our painting friends, while helping our club raise money for the coming year.
The Winter Luncheon Committee has a spectacular luncheon planned for this season. The table decorations and take home
items are always a big success.
Our Silent Auction under the direction of Linda Mignoga is our biggest fund raiser of the year. We need your
help to make this years Auction a success. Linda currently has 50 pieces for the auction and many more are needed.
So finish up those treasures ladies and get them to Linda as soon as possible. Bring your item to the next meeting to whet everyone's
appetite. Linda will photograph and catalog the items and display the pictures at the meetings.Let's all paint at least one item!
Last year our raffle baskets was a huge success. Karen Close is heading up this years raffle again. Start thinking about the basket
you would like to make and donate to the raffle. Those baskets were fantastic last year ladies, lets see if we can out do ourselves again this year.
Our Gifts & Treasures Table with items around $10 was also a success. We all have little things we paint during the year that could be donated to this table to really put sales over the top. Christmas ornaments sell really well and make great stocking stuffers as do
painted candles, soaps and trinket boxes. Your contributions to this table will add greatly to the fun of the day and to the success of our fundraiser.
The luncheon isn't all about sales it is packed with activity too. The new officers for the coming year are installed in a lovely candle lighting ceremony and the golden brush is awarded to this years outstanding club member. There is entertainment too, last years Irish dancers were a treat to watch. Then there is the lunch itself, we all agreed that the Lexington Country Club put out a delicious meal for us and I believe we have requested the same menu again this year. Yummy.
Don't forget to bring a new Teddy Bear to the luncheon to put under our tree for cancer patients. We also have an ornament exchange where you bring a wrapped ornament to exchange for another. It's lots of fun to see all the different ornaments our talented ladies come up with.
Please join us this year to show your support for DASF but most of all for the fun, food, friendship and great holiday finds.
Hope to see you there.
Watch this spot for more information about the Luncheon as it arrives.
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